a black and grey line drawing of a three-legged cat with the words "three legged cat" where the fourth leg would be
Onyx Coffee Labs Logo: A skull missing its bottom jaw with ONYX written in a diamond over the forehead

Featured Roasters

three legged cat features a rotating collection of the highest quality coffee roasters.

Loveless Coffees logo: "Loveless Coffees" written with its letters scattered
Obscure Coffee Roasters logo: "Obscure" in metal-style font "coffee roasters" below
Botz Coffee logo in black and grey: a robot line drawing in the center of a black circle
A Matter of Concrete logo: the words "a matter of concrete" creating a hollow circle
DAK Coffee Roasters logo: line drawing of a woman holding a coffee cup

This is Pirate, the three-legged cat herself.

She is a sweet, silly, resilient little badass, and it’s in such spirit that her people bring you excellent coffee.

About Us

What we’re up to:

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Contact Us

Please fill out the form below or email contact@threeleggedcatbk.com with any questions, inquiries, or feedback. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!